Sunday, June 2, 2013

For All My Sisters Fear No More

A little Sunday evening inspiration and self esteem bolstering 
Watch and enjoy 

What would you do if you weren't afraid?  I know so many women who talk themselves out of their own greatness because they are afraid, afraid of what they are capable of, afraid of failure, afraid of what other people will think when they try, when they succeed or don't, of people calling them crazy, and people telling them they will never make it so they should just settle with less than they truly deserve. 
But, if you take all of that noise out from between your ears what do you know in your heart of hearts about who you are what do you hold the tightest and most locked up what do you make the most excuses about and what is it that you would do if nothing was in your way?  

What would you do if you had absolutely no fear? 

Here is the other side to this, you feel fear when what you are about to do is truly worth it, if you aren't afraid it's probably not worth your time.  Yes people will probably call you crazy but as Alice says "All the best people usually are"  Really whats the worst thing that could happen if you tried? Try thissay your deepest darkest fear out loud, the magic of this exercise is when you say your fears out loud it takes away their power, it's no longer a dirty little secret anymore, and for even more power try this, do it with a group of your best girlfriends each of you sharing your fear with one another, the fun thing about this is when you get your fears out and in the light they usually sound pretty ridiculous, now throw them all down and dance right on over top of them, leaving all mediocre crap in your wake as you make your way to your destiny and true self.  The other great thing about this is once you break through your fear and actually succeed you will feel incredibly light and very proud of yourself in a way that nobody can take away from you, ever!

Remember you can only be you because everyone else is already taken so you might as well be the best you that you can be. 

Lots of Love

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