Thursday, June 6, 2013

Do You Know How Beautiful You Are?

If you are ever in a situation where someone is not treating you with the respect you deserve, be it your best friend since you were 6, you’re mother, father, teacher, boyfriend, spouse or boss you need to get them out of your life as fast as you can!

I’m not talking about little spats and perceived wrong doings, I’m talking about big stuff, like not thinking about your well being, Putting you in unsafe situations, violence, taking financial advantage, sexual abuse, put downs, psychological warfare, abuse, neglect, lying, toxic narcissism, mind games that always turn the tables away from them and onto you, blaming, excessive anger, thievery, controlling behavior, large promises poor performance, manipulative behavior, etc.

These are the types of behavior nobody should put up with no matter where it’s coming from and if anyone ever treats you this way you need to stand up and walk away, don’t fight with them, don’t engage them just get them out of your life, they are not worth your time or energy, they are not going to change, you can’t fix, rescue or improve them, and you are better off without them, you are worth more than that and you deserve more than that.  

Sometimes it takes a while before you see what these people are doing and who they really are, sometimes if you are naive or have never encountered this type of person before you won’t be able to see it or recognize it, or alternatively if you have always been surrounded by these types of people you may not even be aware that this is not ok, and actually think this is how everyone acts, and that’s ok don’t be too hard on yourself,  sometimes it takes a big wake up to really see, but when you do finally recognize it remember that you don’t deserve any of it no matter what that person tells you and

I have had to move on from many people in my life including “close” friends and family members, due to various behaviors, most of them to do with drug and alcohol abuse, which a lot of the afore mentioned behaviors are associated with. I stuck around because I didn’t know I was worth more than that, I stuck around because I believed what they said about me was true, I stuck around because of what I thought about myself, I stuck around because I didn’t respect my self and didn’t know how to, I thought I was a dirty rag for people to use and nothing more, that is what THEY taught me.

But one day I woke up and I realized it was all a dream and I taught MYSELF love, respect and dignity, I learned I was worth more than the garbage they treated me like, then I met people who loved me for me, and these people taught me even more about myself and who I really was and that I could do, which is much, much more than anyone thought I could.

I can dance and sing, write and read, love and laugh, I can make friends who love me and have people love me for all of me, I am supportive, and powerful; and fiercely protective of those I love, I am multifaceted and multi dimensional, I am creative and talented, intelligent and silly, romantic and playful,  fun and somber, serious and caring and very empathetic.
These wonderful traits are the things that drew these people to me in the first place, they see a light and they want to bathe in it, but they don’t know how to just be with you so they try to snuff out your light. They love you because you are wonderful but they don’t know how to be wonderful, or be with wonderful and this is because they don’t see the light in themselves, they only know how to destroy what they don’t understand and don't cherish in themselves. 

Instead of hating these people have empathy for what they cannot do for themselves and just walk away cherishing yourself, AND and the light that was snuffed out in them a long time ago.

Fear of meeting people who will try and kill your light is no reason to hide your own glory and wonder, this instead, is a reason to cultivate and protect yourself and in spite of them show the world all that you are and let your light shine through while you hold yourself, dear.

Do you know how beautiful you are?
I think not, my dear.
For as you talk of God,
I see great parades with wildly colorful bands
Streaming from your mind and heart,
Carrying wonderful and secret messages
To every corner of this world.
I see saints bowing in the mountains
Hundreds of miles away
To the wonder of sounds
That break into light
From your most common words.
Speak to me of your mother,
Your cousins and your friends.
Tell me of squirrels and birds you know.
Awaken your legion of nightingales—
Let them soar wild and free in the sky.
And begin to sing to God.
Let’s all begin to sing to God!
Do you know how beautiful you are?
I think not, my dear,
Yet Hafiz
Could set you upon a Stage
And worship you forever!

Saints Bowing in the Mountains

Do you know how beautiful you are?

Lot’s of love

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